Stjernberg Automation: Swedish high technology absorbed by China

Datenna continuously tracks and conducts research on China-EU joint ventures in Europe. In this series of articles, we have decided to highlight our research and data on interesting joint venture cases. This article analyses the acquisition of  the Swedish Stjernberg AB.

  • Stjernberg Automation AB, was a highly specialized Swedish laser equipment manufacturer and digital manufacturing provider established in 2008.
  • In 2017, 66.6% of the company’s equity was acquired by the Chinese state-backed company Tus Holding. Since then, the Swedish firm had been establishing different entities throughout China, including both wholly owned and joint ventures. Through intricate ownership structures, these entities are linked to the Chinese central government.
  • Shortly after the takeover, Stjernberg Automation AB filed for bankruptcy, indicating that the company’s economic performance didn’t benefit form Tus Holding’s purchase of its majority share. This suggests potential motives of technology absorption behind the acquisition.

Stjernberg Automation AB

Stjernberg’s activities fell into the “high-tech manufacturing” category, a critical area in China’s strategic development plans and industrial policy.


Stjernberg Automation AB was established in Sweden in 2008, as a highly specialized laser equipment manufacturer and a digital manufacturing provider. Due to its pioneering role in laser technologies, the company could boast clients like Volvo, 3M, Tetra Pak, and Saab, and was considered to be a technological leader in the European market. Far from merely focusing on laser technology, the firm also provided its customers with services aimed at digitalizing manufacturing processes. Through its management of cutting-edge technology, the firm’s activities fell into the “high-tech manufacturing” category, an important area of development both in the “Industry 4.0” and “Made in China 2025” programs. These two are the main landmarks in China’s long term policy strategies which seek to bring about the so-called “4th industrialization” through the digitalization of manufacturing processes, and the enhancement of high-quality production.


Acquisition by Chinese state-backed Tus Holdings


Given the appeal of the Swedish company’s scope of business, Stjernberg Automation AB was targeted by Chinese investors in 2017, when 66.6% of the company’s stakes were acquired by Tus Holdings Co., Ltd.  This acquisition resulted in the transfer of the company’s majority share to the Chinese investor. However, at the time, the company’s original management remained unchanged.

The acquirer’s main shareholder is Tsinghua University, a major public research university in China. Tsinghua University is one of the major public research universities in China and one of the most renowned universities in the country, ranking as the 1st Asian university. The academic institution is strongly tied to the state, which provides funds and development outlooks. In the company description it can be seen that Tus Holdings  “takes full responsibility for developing, constructing, operating and managing Tsinghua University Science Park”, a relevant innovation and technology hub in China. Through its main stakeholder, Tus Holdings is directly influenced by the Chinese state.


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Exploring the Chinese Market

The acquisition from Tus Holding seems to have been the trigger for the Swedish company explorative journey into the Chinese market. Firstly, Stjernberg Automation AB established a Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise in China, named Shanghai Rui Huan Technology Co. Ltd. Soonafter, another company was established, namely Ningbo Huanbei Automation Co., Ltd. which is also fully controlled by Stjernberg through a Hong Kong-based subsidiary, namely Stjernberg Group Limited. The Swedish company was also involved in a joint venture with two local entities, both operating in the field of smart manufacturing.

Changes in the board and bankruptcy

The main investment of note was made into the company Zhejiang Huanbei Laser Technology Co., Ltd., which is engaged in laser technology, robotics, technology development, and with a registered capital of €6.5 million. Originally, the firm was established as a Sino-foreign joint limited liability company, owned both by Stjernberg and a local Chinese partner. From 2019 it became a limited liability company funded solely by a Chinese stakeholder. Diving deeper into the original management structure of the company, we see that the General and Vice Manager of Zhejiang Huanbei Laser Technology was Jan Magnus Stjenberg, also director of the Swedish company at hand. In 2021 the entire management was replaced with local Chinese, staff. Therefore, Swedish influence within the board of directors was completely erased. At the same time, a change in the scope of business also occurred; from “Engineering and technical research and experimental development” to “other technical promotion services.”

The removal of the Swedish directors does not necessarily imply that the technology entailed in the joint venture wasn’t absorbed by Chinese actors. The changes in the management and business scope are aligned with Stjernberg Automation bankruptcy in 2019. Apparently, the Chinese acquisition back in 2017 constitutes the starting point of the jeopardisation of the company’s activities. In fact, since 2017, the firm financial performance started shrinking with a decrease in production value of 8%, and a negative EBIT value of almost 1 million euro in 2019, the year in which the company went bankrupt.


The risk of unwanted tech transfer


The acquisition of the Swedish company in 2017 affected the parent company’s operations, while marking the start of the company’s exploration of the Chinese market with the established of joint ventures. The recent release of a new framework for investment screening at the EU-level might enhance and better coordinate FDI screening practices at the national level. Nevertheless, the responsibility of conducting thorough screening procedures that prevent sensitive technology fleeing from the EU still lies in the hands of national FDI screening units. The Stjernberg case study represents the need for discussion on the topic of unnoticed technology transfer to China.

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Datenna tracks the ownership and investment activities of millions of Chinese companies. This case study demonstrates the importance of a nuanced and granular understanding of Chinese company ownership to make informed decisions about investment and technology risks. If you are interested in the full range of services and capabilities Datenna has to offer, do not hesitate to reach out.

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